The French lawyer representing Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has denounced the recent criminal investigation into his client as “totally absurd.” The case has sparked a broader debate over the boundaries between freedom of speech and legal responsibility for social media content, especially given Telegram’s vast user base nearing a billion people.
David-Olivier Kaminski, Durov’s lawyer, argued that it was unreasonable to suggest that the head of a social network like Telegram could be implicated in criminal activities unrelated to him. “Telegram fully complies with European digital regulations and operates as a moderator with rules comparable to those of other social networks,” Kaminski told reporters.
A French judge formally placed Durov under investigation on Wednesday in connection with a probe into organized crime activities on Telegram. Durov was granted bail under strict conditions, including a 5 million euro bond, bi-weekly check-ins with the police, and a prohibition on leaving French territory.
Kaminski reiterated that the investigation into Durov does not imply guilt or guarantee a trial but signals that judges believe there is sufficient evidence to continue the probe. Such investigations can extend over several years before being concluded or dropped.
In response to the controversy surrounding Durov’s arrest, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized the independence of the judiciary in a statement issued via his verified X page. He underscored that the government does not interfere with legal proceedings and that the ongoing investigation into Durov is strictly a judicial matter, not a political one.
“France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication, innovation, and the spirit of entrepreneurship,” Macron wrote. “In a state governed by the rule of law, freedoms are upheld within a legal framework, both on social media and in real life, to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights.”
The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office has released a list of potential charges against Durov, including complicity in drug dealing, money laundering, and facilitating the distribution of child pornography. Durov, a 39-year-old Russian who also holds citizenship in France, the UAE, and St. Kitts and Nevis, was detained on Saturday after arriving in Paris from Azerbaijan by private jet.
Kaminski and Durov’s defense team continue to maintain that the charges against the Telegram founder are without merit, asserting that the platform operates within the bounds of the law and that Durov’s involvement in any criminal activity is unfounded.